Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Influence of National Culture on Plagiarism - 1530 Words

INTRODUCTION One major benefit of quality education is the ability to think constructively towards initiating new ideas and the creative implementation of thoughts towards analytical problem solving. Education aims at the initiative concept of building individual skills relevant in carrying out different tasks and assignments. This aim is however threatened by the increasing number of academic plagiarism among university students. plagiarism justifies academic dishonesty, disrespect, unfairness and irresponsibility because it breaches other peoples intellectual property rights. It devalues the integrity of academic qualifications and discourages students who do not engage in such practices (JISC, 2005). Cultural diversity is assumed to play a huge role in plagiarism with the high level of international students and the presumed difference in educational approach. This paper evaluates the influence of national culture on plagiarism, it makes use of 10 statements questionnaire results generated fro m 5 Canadian and 5 Nigerian Vancouver island university students. Respondents were selected based on their nationality (Canada and Nigeria) and understanding of the term plagiarism. The questionnaires were distributed on 10 suggested reasons why students plagiarize and respondents were meant to choose either agree, disagree or undecided. This aims to understand plagiarism, know the reasons why students plagiarize and find its relatedness to their national culture. THEShow MoreRelatedMusic: Which Cultures are Known for Plagiarism? Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pages Plagiarism is merely theft, it is the worst kind of stealing where a person takes the intellectual property/ ideas of another person and tries to pass them as his own, in other words it is simply cheating on oneself and others. 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