Friday, May 15, 2020

Diomedes One of the Finest Greek Soldiers Essay - 747 Words

In The Iliad, by Homer, many of the characters can qualify as the Greek definition of a hero. In this epic, a hero is not solely represented as the most valiant warrior but rather on other characteristics that can be admired. Diomedes possesses these characteristics that represent a hero on and off of the battlefield. Thus, he is one of the greatest heroes of the entire epic. To the Greeks, besides being a skilled warrior, a hero contains several other admirable characteristics. For example, they must respect all aspects of authority. The Greeks give heroes no room for arrogance or pride. Instead, they were to be modest, and give credit to their culture and the gods for any help they contributed. They also had to believe and†¦show more content†¦He is also seen with Odysseus, crediting Athena for a successful reconnaissance mission in the Trojan camp. As well as being humble, Diomedes accepts fate and acts accordingly. He is very persistent and never backs down. Not a word of retreat. Youll never persuade me. Its not my nature to shrink from battle, cringe in fear with the fighting strength still steady in my chest. I shrink from mounting our chariot--no retreat--on foot as I am, Ill meet them man-to-man. Athena would never let me flinch. (5. 279-284) The gods inspired Diomedes to not back down. This shows his bravery and persistence. In regards to his calm personality, Diomedes demonstrated a serene demeanor throughout the majority of the poem. Diomedes only became angry twice, one which could be blamed on Athena. Fueled by divine strength, Diomedes begins to single-handedly drive back the Trojans. When he is about to kill Aeneas, but Aphrodite decided to intervene and save her son. This angered Diomedes, and triggered him to thrust his spear into her hand (Book 5). Throughout the rest of The Iliad, Diomedes is portrayed as a level-headed individual. This trait may be best exemplified when Odysseus and he find a Trojan to spy on, Dolon (Book 10). Diomedes keeps calm and level-headed and does not become fueled by rage. To the Greeks, a hero contains many other characteristics besides being a good soldier. All of these characteristics mold DiomedesShow MoreRelated Essay on Diomedes, the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad1552 Words   |  7 PagesDiomedes, the True Hero of The Iliad In The Iliad, written in a 3rd person omniscient point of view, Homer gives a very serious account of the tenth and last year of the Trojan War.   It was in Homers account that the very idea of becoming a legendary hero reached its pinnacle; the choice of the better hero was not decided on the events they participated in, but rather by their characteristics.   The ancient Greeks had strict criteria for individuals to follow if they were to be seen as heroesRead MoreThe Iliad By Ancient Greek Poet Homer Essay1527 Words   |  7 PagesIliad, written by ancient Greek poet Homer, chronicles the battle and events during the final weeks of The Trojan War, an armed conflict between the Achaeans army and the defenders of Troy. 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